sábado, 10 de agosto de 2013


CATÁLOGO. ADES, D. Dada and Surrealism Reviewed. Introduction by David Syilvester and supplementary essay by Elizabetn Cowling. London: the Authors and the Art Council of Great Britain, Hayward Galleries, 1978. 475p.: il.
CATÁLOGO. BARR. A. Cubism and Abstract Art, Painting, Sculpture, Constructions, Photography, Architecture, Industrial Art, Theatre, Films, Posters, Tipography. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, The Belknap Press, 1936. New York: Museum of Modern Art, 1986. 249p.: il.
CATÁLOGO. BEAUMELLE, A. de la; MONOD-FONTAINE, I.; SCHWEISGUTH, C. André Breton: La Beauté Convulsive. Paris: Musée National d'Art Moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, 1991, 249p.: il.
CATÁLOGO. Le Sexe dans l'art Féminimasculin. Paris: MNAM CGP, 1996.
BÉHAR, H. Sobre el Teatro Dada y Surrealista. Traducción de José Escue. Barcelona: Barral, 1971.
BRITT, D.; MACKINTOSH, A.; NASH, J. M.; ADES, D.; EVERITT, A; WILSON, S.; LIVINSGSTONE, M. Modern Art: from Impressionism to Post-Modernism. London: Thames and Hudson, 1989, 416p.: il.
CLAY, J. Modern Art, 1890-1918. London: Octopus, 1978. 320p., il.

DICIONÁRIO. BIRO, A.; PASSERON, R. Dictionaire général du surréalisme et ses environs..Sous la diréction de Adam Biro et René Passeron. Genève – Paris: Office du Livre et Presses Universitaires de France, 1982. 464p.: il., retrs.

DICIONÁRIO. BREUILLE, J-P. Dictionnaire de la peinture et de sculpture : l'art du XXe siècle. Sous la direction de Jean-Philippe Breuille. Paris: Lib, Larousse, 1991, 777p.: il., retrs., pp. 290-291. (Dictionnaires specialisés).
DICIONÁRIO. CHILVERS, I. The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Art and Artists. Edited by Ian Chilvers. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1990. 517p., p. 122. (Oxford reference).
DICIONÁRIO. CHILVERS, I. Dictionary of 20th century art. Edited by Ian Chilvers. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998. 670p., p.21. (Oxford reference)
DICIONÁRIO. DUROZOI, G. Dictionaire de l'art moderne et contemporain. Sous la direction de Gérard Durozoi. Paris: Fernand Hazam, 1992. 676p.: Il.
DICIONÁRIO. SCHMIED, W.; WITFORD, F.; ZOLLNER, F. The Prestel Dictionary of Art and Artists in the 20th century. München London - New York: Prestel, 2000. 383p.: il.
DICIONÁRIO. SEUPHOR, M. Dictionaire de la peinture abstraite: precédé d´une histoire de la peinture. Paris: Fernand Hazam, 1957. 305p.: il.
FABRIS, A. Photomontage as political function. São Paulo: 2003.

GIBSON, M. Duchamp Dada. Paris: N.E.F. - Casterman, 1991, 1991. 263p.: il.
GOLDBERG, R. Performance Art: from Futurism to the Present. London: Thames and Hudson 2001. 206 p., il., algumas color. (world of art).
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MARCUS, G. Lipstick Traces: A Secret History of the Twentieth Century. Twentieth Aniversary Edition. Cambridge (MS): The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1989, 1990, 2009. 16 x 23 cm. 483p; il.
L'ECOTAIS, E.; WARE, K. Man Ray, 1890-1976. Cologne: Taschen, 2000.
LÉVÊQUE, J-J. Le triomphe de l'art moderne: les Anées Folles. Paris: A. C. R. Éd. Internationalles, 1992. 624p.: il., retrs.
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NÉRET, G. 30 ans d'art moderne: peintres et sculpteurs. Fribourg: Office du livre, 1988. 248p.: il.
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PIERRE, J. L'Univers Surréaliste. Paris: Somogy, 1983
RAGON, M..Journal de l´Art Abstrait. Genève: Skira, 1992. 163p: il.

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RICHTER, H. HAUPTMANN, W. (Post-Scriptum). Dada art & anti-art. Cologne: Du Mont Shauberg, 1964. 1965. 246p.: il.
RICHTER, H. Dadá Arte e Anti-Arte. Tradução de Marion Fleischer. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 1993.
SCHAMALENBACH, W.; GRASSKAMP, W. (Biogr.). German Art of the 20th Century: painting and sculpture 1905-1985. Translated by John Ormond. Munich - Düsseldorf: Prestel, 1987
SCHAMALENBACH, W.; GRASSKAMP W. (Biogr.). Masterpieces of 20th Century Art: from Kunstasammlung Nordheim-Westfalen Düsseldorf. Translated by John Ormond. Munich Düsseldorf: Walter Grasskamp, Prestel, 1990. 354p: il.
SEUPHOR, M.: RAGON, M.: PLEYNET, M. L'Art Abstrait. Paris: Maeght, 1949. 1971-1988, 05 v.: il.
TESCH, J.; HOLLMANN, J.Icons of Art: the 20th Century. New York: Ekhardt Hollman, Prestel, 1997. 216p.: il.

DANTO, A. After the end of art - contemporary art and the pole of history. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1997.

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